
Our Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board oversees the ways in which the Executive Board executes strategy aimed at sustainable long-term value creation, as well as managing general day-to-day business. Other responsibilities include making sure that internal risk management and control systems perform effectively; supervising the relationship of the Executive Board with stakeholders, and safeguarding the integrity and accuracy of financial and non-financial reporting.

The Supervisory Board is guided by our commitments to corporate social responsibility as well as to the interests of TKH, our affiliated businesses, and our stakeholders.

  • P.W.B. (Peter) Oosterveer


    Mr. P. Oosterveer was appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of TKH Group in 2022. His period in office runs until 2026. Mr. P. Oosterveer is currently CEO and chairman of the Executive Board at Arcadis N.V. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), and a member of the Global Leadership Forum advisory Board FIDIC. Mr. Oosterveer is of Dutch nationality, and he does not hold any shares in TKH.

  • J.M. (Mel) Kroon


    Mr. Kroon was first appointed member of TKH’s Supervisory Board in 2017. His period in office runs until 2025. Mr. Kroon is former chair of the Executive Board of TenneT Holding B.V. Mr Kroon is chairman of the Supervisory Board of Attero BV and is non-executive Board member Urenco Ltd & UCN B.V., chairman Supervisory Board Energyworx B.V., member Advisory Board LVNL and member Supervisory Board KVSA B.V. and has other advisory functions. Mr. Kroon is of Dutch nationality, and he does not hold any shares in TKH.

  • C.W. (Carin) Gorter


    Mrs. C.W. Gorter MA was initially appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of TKH Group NV in 2017. Her period in office runs until 2025. Mrs. Gorter is a owner of Carin Gorter Advies & Toezicht and was Senior Executive Vice President and head of the Group Compliance, Security & Legal at ABN AMRO. Mrs. Gorter is a member of the Supervisory Board at TVM UA, Basic Fit and DAS Holding, and external member of the Audit Committee of the Dutch Department of Justice & Security (Ministerie van Justitie & Veiligheid). Mrs. Gorter is of Dutch nationality, and she does not own any shares in TKH.

  • A.M.H. (Marieke) Schöningh


    Mrs. M. Schöningh MBA was first appointed as a member of TKH's Supervisory Board in 2020. Her period in office runs until 2028. Mrs. Schöningh is member of the Executive Board and Chief Operating Officer COO of ProRai. Mrs. Schöningh started her career at McKinsey & Company and held various senior management positions at DSM from 1997 to 2016, and most recently the position of COO and Member of the Management Board of SHV Energy. Mrs. Schöningh is of Dutch nationality, and she does not own any shares in TKH.

  • J. (Jeannine) Peek


    Mrs. J. Peek was initially appointed as a member of the Supervisory Board of TKH Group NV in 2024. Her period in office runs until 2028. Mrs. Peek is currently Managing Director of Capgemini, the Netherlands. She started her career at KPN and MCI Worldcom. At Dell, she held various management positions, serving latterly as Managing Director at Dell EMC. She is also a member of the Sociaal Economische Raad (SER), Boegbeeld Dutch Digital Delta, and a Board Member of Nationaal Register. Mrs. Peek is of Dutch nationality, and she does not own any shares in TKH.

No former Executive Board members sit on the Supervisory Board.


  • pdf

    Supervisory Board Rules

  • pdf

    General responsibilities Supervisory Board

  • pdf

    Profile Supervisory Board

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    Responsibilities Chairman and Vice-chairman

  • pdf

    TKH Regulations holding and effecting transactions in shares

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    Rotation schedule Supervisory Board 2024

Supervisory Board committees 

The Supervisory Board also oversees three special committees: the Selection and Appointments Committee, the Remuneration Committee, and the Audit Committee.

A separate set of rulebooks guide these three committees, clearly defining their responsibilities, composition, and the way in which they perform their duties. Each committee provides the Supervisory Board with a report of its actions. 

Selection and Appointments Committee

The Selection and Appointments Committee defines the selection criteria and appointment procedure, and oversees the Executive Board’s selection process for senior management. The chairman also conducts annual individual performance review meetings with the Executive Board.

Selection and Appointment Committee Charter

  • P.W.B. (Peter) Oosterveer


  • J.M. (Mel) Kroon


Remuneration Committee

The Remuneration Committee advises the Supervisory Board on remuneration policies for members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. These suggestions are then put to the General Meeting of Shareholders for adoption. The Committee also offers proposals on the remuneration and performance-related bonuses of individual members of the Executive Board, to be considered and adopted by the Supervisory Board.

Remuneration Committee Charter

  • C.W. (Carin) Gorter


  • A.M.H. (Marieke) Schöningh


  • P.W.B. (Peter) Oosterveer


Audit Committee

The Audit Committee focuses on internal risk management and monitoring systems; the internal and external audit process; material considerations relating to financial and non-financial reporting; and the way in which material risks and uncertainties are analyzed including fraud risks. The Committee also monitors the follow up of recommendations from both the internal audit team and the external auditor, and the company policy on tax.

Audit Committee Charter

  • C.W. (Carin) Gorter


  • J.M. (Mel) Kroon


  • P.W.B. (Peter) Oosterveer



The Supervisory Board draws up and approves the remuneration system in accordance with the statutory requirements and in the light of the recommendations and suggestions of the Dutch Corporate Governance Code, which is then put to the General Meeting of Shareholders for adoption.

View our remuneration policy

  • pdf

    Remuneration Policy Supervisory Board TKH Group 2024